Plagiarism Alert and Ethical Policy
- Authors are to submit original articles for publication. Plagiarism in all forms, including self-plagiarism, are unethical and unacceptable.
- The publisher & editors will not be held responsible for any lapse of the contributor regarding plagiarism in their manuscripts.
- All submissions should be original and must be attached with the copyright form thereby assuring that their research paper is original and it has not been published anywhere else.
- Plagiarism check will be done by the journal editorial team using appropriate software
- It will be noted that authors are solely responsible for the lapses, if any ,on legal bindings and should adhere to the ethical code of publication.
ETHICAL POLICY : Editors/ Reviewers/ Authors
- Articles in this journal do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Publisher /Editorial Board
- It is mandatory that authors and publishers operate within an acceptable and professional ethical standard in the process of publication
- The Editors ensure an unbiased ,confidential and fair peer-review process
- The final decision on whether or not to accept the article lies in the prerogative right of the editor with a clearly defined reference to originality, significance and clarity of the article.
- Reviewers must ensure objective reviews and present reports with suggestions as per the academic criteria.
- Authors must refrain from submitting previously published articles or even concurrent publication
All authors and co-authors must complete and sign on the copyright agreement form and submit along with the hardcopy, softcopy of the paper & publication fees to The Editor, Baselius Researcher, Baselius College, Kottayam, Kerala, India – 686 001.
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